Do you believe in anything? You can’t see the bond between the burning bush, the second look. Slow dreamed punches. Cars side by side. We share a popular disease. Just my way, just my look. Bipolar comment self interest save us. So what’s been said? Have you stayed well fed? What have we done? Put down everyone. When you call after all this time, how am I supposed to feel? Even if you’ve always been true, buildings are still falling down.
Al ruhumu be gece Uçalım gökyüzüne Dudağımdan çal aşkımı Hapset beni tenine Gül rengi şarap…
(M. Jagger/K. Richards) I love you, dirty fucker Sister and a brother Moaning in the…
As I was a'walking one evening of late Where fragrant fine flowers the field decorate,…
stopa kesto sana leo stoyalomin ka tevis(2 kere) köyoska li fırtuna kelipayi kelyapi(2 kere) söylemiştim…
jää on nykyään harvinaista lumilinnoja ei rakennella tavallisesti pääskyset saapuvat jo helmikuussa vain vanhat muistavat…
My girlfriend hates you but I love your stuff. I listen to it all the…