I killed you on a tuesday
Your head was raw and bloody
Killed my baby, in a car crash
We went out to a drive in
Going home your head was smashed in
Killed my baby, in a car crash
Glad to know i’m all alone
Glad to know you’re not going home
My car wrapped round a steal fence
Thank god i bought insurance
Killed my baby, in a car crash
Your back was full of glass shards
Your lifeless corpse flew ten yards
Killed my baby, in a car crash
Glad to know you paid your fee
Glad to know you’re over me
Take two pills before you try and go to sleep
You won’t have these problems left tommorrow
And if you think you’re stupid then i’ll take you to my room
We’ve got many brains there you can borrow
If you tell me that i’m wrong,
I’ll admit that i am gone, I am gone, i am gone, i’m already gone
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Şarkı enstrümantal olduğu için şarkı sözü bulunmamaktadır.
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