Every afternooon
A point I hammer home
You had no follow through,
follow through
Better off alone
Wading patiently
Stranded in your sea
Sing in time and tune
Where the action is
Every afternooon
A point I hammer home
You had no follow through,
follow through
Better off alone
Wading patiently
Stranded in your sea
Sing in time and tune
Where the action is
Yozgat ellerinde garip garip gezerken Göründün gözüme büktün belimi Gariplik elinden candan bezerken Nasıl arz ederdim garip halımı Yüksek binalarda yeşil perde Sen yüksek bir yerdesin ben ise nerede Senin aşkın ile tutuldum derde Kırdı felek felek kanadımı kolumu Gel beri gel ben adam yemem Saklarım sırrımı ellere demem Cenneti alaya sensiz giremem Ben bilirim…
Sevdim olmadi yar Küstüm olmadi yar Kendini aratti Beni bulmadi yar Düstüm aglamadin Kac kere aradim Bir kalemde sildin Hic unutmadim El dilinden bal aksa Yine acidir Ayrilik pamuk olsa Yine acitir Bende ki yürek sende Olsa anlardin Ben bir kadinim Sende adam olsaydin Kalbimden gecerken Tutmadin elimden Ben bana baktim Ask ile yandim Alacagini…
Seszizce kurulur sanat Son gunde sonzuzluga aman Senden sonra sensizlik var Kaybolurum kendimi bulamam Dur daha gitme ne olur yavas Ezberler saklar tenin kokunu Sus sozlerinden aksin dussun Gitsin ayriliklar sen sus Soyleme duyarim yinede Anlayamam bu bitisi bu gidisi Ask niye sana mahkum Gozlerin kan olur yinede Aglayamam yine bana yine huzun Ben yine…
[verse 1] Some people believe that the sky is the highest thing in life, but i Believe it’s just the highest thing they’ve seen Well you better believe there’s someone beyond that big blue thing And he’s the biggest, greatest thing, the biggest, greatest thing i’ve Never seen [verse 2] Now it’s been said there’s…
I’m a believer I paid for my sin Stand over the water Watch my ship come in I was blind but now I see It was right there in front of me I was the reason For the perfect mess I covered up my failure and called it happiness I been untrue I been unkind…
Duet with France Gall Written by Michel Berger and Bernie Taupin We’re no handy silver lining We’re no crime to make the headline news If it’s a matter for decision You and I can be the ones to choose Je te donne mes espoirs caches Je te donne mes incertitudes Je te donne mes plus…