Every afternooon
A point I hammer home
You had no follow through,
follow through
Better off alone
Wading patiently
Stranded in your sea
Sing in time and tune
Where the action is
Every afternooon
A point I hammer home
You had no follow through,
follow through
Better off alone
Wading patiently
Stranded in your sea
Sing in time and tune
Where the action is
(Claude S.) Different words upon the page, written faithfully like yesterday. I’m still thinking of a past. just how long does this expect to last? I was once a simple man. I had everything, you understand? All those things I chose inside, turned to blood and stone from all the lies. I will never be…
Seherde ötüşen kuşlar Bilmem ne diyor ne diyor Gözlerinden akan yaşlar Bilmem ne diyor ne diyor NakaRat : ** Seherde açılan güller Gül için öten bülbüller Hak ismini anan diller Bilmem ne diyor ne diyor Seherde açılan yaprak Kimi giyer kimi çıplak İhrac eder kara toprak Bilmem ne diyor ne diyor ** Bir münadi nida…
There are so many traps been laid How can you avoid one Put your foot down in a moonlit glade Snap, your ankle’s broken (refrain) I don’t know how decisions get made Which are the turns to take It doesn’t seem to matter what plans are laid You can’t tell when the wave will break…
Bak resmin duruyor hala yatağımın başucunda Seni sensiz yaşamayı öğrendim zamanla Halim acı ben kaderi karalı Acınası kalbimin dayanağı Seni beklemek çaresi aslı Sanki öyle bırakıp gitmeliydin Aşka yazık Sanki kalbi bir de sen ezmeliydin Sevdama yazık Ne isyanım ne ahımsın Sen benim dualarımsın Gençlik yaşım sen ilk aşkım Bu gidişle son sevdamsın Bak resmin…
Take a walk on Madison The handbag hounds are out again I can hear the “oohs” and “ahhs” Rising from the sidewalk sale From the girls in Vogue and the Hip-hop chil It’s OK to trap and kill In the name of fashion… It’s a lazy afternoon And the papers say the end is soon…
Words and Music: Amy Ray For you I would tattoo me with lines crossing into a hand and a heart that would never bleed With the twilight and the horse drawn on my arm Standing for an addiction pray we go unharmed Here is my love and anger you see now These are my gods,…