Blacking out
Spitting gravel grinding teeth
Coming home
To just how desperately we need
Bloodshot eyes
Half filled holes and weakened knees
This is consequence
This is shedding skin
Blacking out
Spitting gravel grinding teeth
Coming home
To just how desperately we need
Bloodshot eyes
Half filled holes and weakened knees
This is consequence
This is shedding skin
Dreizehntes Kapitel SCHWARZE PUPPEN Liegt ein Toter – seht, ein Toter sitzt im Kahn -… Ein Toter liegt im Totenbett, ganz totenbleich und zahm. Ja rotzt dem Clown ins Totenbett und seid ein bisschen nett. Seht euch diese Toten an, sie klappern wie in einer Geisterbahn. DIE BUCKLIGE Schwarze Puppen sind so sonderbar, sie tanzen,…
[Musik & Lyrik: Vintersorg] Solm
I’ve got a candle, And I’ve got a spoon I live in a hallway With no doors and no rooms Under the window sill They all were found A touch of concrete within a doorway Without a hesitation of fucking Chorus: Someone save me if you will And take away all these pills And please…
Yak ısıt içimi ateşinle Halime bak, eriyorum günden güne Ah hadi hadi hadi yak Tutuşsun aşk yüreğimde Vuruldum ben güzelliğine Hadi düş peşime Sen benim ol bende senin Yandım bittim deli sevenim Beni dinle seninim de Seviyorum ah seni delicesine Bir adım gelsen koşarım Bekletme sıkıldım ben kaçarım ben Al beni yar para verme Sar…
(Music by Hank Shermann Lyrics by King Diamond) Do you remember the bridge? The bridge that was standing in ruin Do you remember the sign? Demons and witches were doing They say it’s a bad place They say it’s a magic place Deep down under The soil of this unholy land Deep down under The…
Hey Yolngu Boy Under the neon light Hey Yolngu Boy Under the neon light Come with me see a brand new day You see that cycad palm That’s the pure eye You see that cycad palm That’s the living bread Come with me see a brand new day You see that long black cloud Up…