It?s Honeyka Hanukah ?round and around,

Honeycake Hanukah, eat them down,

Latkes and goody things all over town,

It?s Honeyky Hanukah time.

It?s Honeyky Hanukah, shaky my hand,

My candles are burning all over this land,

To light the dark road for the man passing by,

It?s Honeyky Hanukah time.

It?s Honeyky Hanukah, kissy my cheek,

The light in my window it burns for a week

I?ll open my present and take a little peek,

It?s Honeyky Hanukah time.

It?s Honeyky Hanukah, makes me feel glad,

This box for mother and this box for dad,

For sister and brother, nice ribbons I?ll tie,

It?s Honeyka Hanukah time.

It?s Honeyky Hanukah, huggy me tight,

It?s Hanukah day, and it?s Hanukah night,

If you?ve got no money, well, that?s all right.

It?s Honeyky Hanukah time.

It?s Honeyka Hanukah, kiss my some more,

We?ll sing and go dancing around on the floor,

Your kiss is nicer than cakes from the store,

It?s Honeyky Hanukah time.

It?s Honeyky Hanukah, brushy my hair,

Let?s dance a big horah and jump in the air,

You look lots prettier to me every year

At Honeyky Hanukah time.

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