Make Believe – Say What You Mean

say what you mean

the fog’s low croak says froggy

as the weather sets the day

(dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt dd)

i say “aiiiiyayaerr ayiyiyiyiyaiiyayer”

(dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt)

the flower’s wrapped up in fences

like the sex lives of the politicians

i say “aiiiiyayaerr ayiyiyiyiyaiiyayer”

(dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt)

say what you mean

the cat’s barkin’ and chirpin’

over weather saves the day

(dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt)

i say “aiiiiyayaerr ayiyiyiyiyaiiyayer”

(dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt)

i see spotted perfection

in the trip of every step

no idea of death

while this web catches rain

there’s grass in the sidewalks cracks

these politics in your porn

there’s grass in the sidewalks crack

(dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt dddt)

i see spotted perfection

in the trip of every step

no idea of death

while this web catches rain

and daylight brings the deepest dreams

when thing’s seem as they’re seen

this couch is a flowerbed

daylight brings the deepest dreams

when thing’s seem as they’re seen

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