You are all the same
The wounded bleed to death
Tarnish my name
You deserve nothing at all…
You knew that life was a game…
You deserve nothing at all…
You must endure your own PAIN!
Life in the dark without a light
Hollow empty
You are all the same
The wounded bleed to death
Tarnish my name
You deserve nothing at all…
You knew that life was a game…
You deserve nothing at all…
You must endure your own PAIN!
Life in the dark without a light
Hollow empty
(Jake Burns/Steve Grantley) Scams and lies and alibis Are all your stock in trade Spin me round, I’m upside down And I don’t know the date I feel outsmarted deceived and deluded Completely inverted and unaware Of all the changes and most of the dangers Yet I’ve reached the stage where I just don’t care…
When your singing I’m singing with you liberty When you cry I cry with you in sorrow When you suffer I’m praying for you liberty For your struggles will bring us a new tomorrow Days of sad darkness and fear must one day crumble For the force of your kindness and love make them tremble…
Well, it’s an ill wind that blows no good And it’s a sad one that won’t love like I know it should And oh, how lonesome you must be And it’s a shame if you don’t share your love with me It’s a heartache when love is gone But it’s bad, even sad, later on…
Seyyah oldum dolaştım şu alemi, ah güzelim Senin gibi bir vefasız görmedim ben Hayırsızı kitapsızı zalimi bal böceğim Senin gibi bir insafsız görmedim ben Şu dağlarda çiçek oldum aşkından sarardım soldum Bakmadın bana bal böceğim Yollarında toprak oldum sen bastıkça ben kavruldum Görmedin beni bal böceğim Seni gidi bal böceği Kim çözecek bu bilmeceyi Ateşte…
Sevgilim sen nerdesin Yalnızım sen nerdesin Yüreğim özler ah seni Elim yetmez yerdesin Nerde olsan da yanımda biliyorum Aşkım bir tanem seni çok özlüyorum Bal olurum dillerinde bal olur canım Ay olurum yollarında ay olur canım Aşkım bir tanem Sen bana gelsen ay olurum yollarında Koklasa cangöl olurum ellerinde Bal olurum dillerinde bal olur canım…
(Frankie Miller) Producer for Bonnie: Jim Steinman Such a long time ago Now I know You’ve woke up to find You were wrong There ain’t no doubt Put me out Nearly made me blind You sent me a letter, brought tears to my eyes Tell me you’ve changed, after all this time Like a stone…