the watch on my wrist says it time to go but if that’s true then where are we going i’m dressed to kill but don’t know why the hell i even try when there is nothing at all to do it didn’t used to be this way something was happening everyday and it never failed we never sat around we were always going out but now everything has changed all i’m saying is that there’s no reason to keep waiting for something that you know will never come should have been here all along the watch on my wrist says it time to go but if that’s true then where are we going to i’m dressed to kill but don’t know why the hell i even try when there is nothing at all all i’m saying is that there’s no reason to keep waiting for something that you know will never come should have been here all along and all the things you used to know have gone away and left you with nothing to do but sit around and wish that you were not so bored all i’m saying is that there’s no reason to keep waiting for something that you know will never come should have been here all along
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