Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na I’m the only fucking child there ever was I’m the only fucking child Adulthood is hell Namby-pamby protracted childhood The only alternative Namby-pamby protracted childhood Earthworks of infantility The facts of life cleaned from passion-killing anotomical tomes You don’t need pot to see Pan. You don’t need pot to see Pan I’m a little girl I’m a little girl I’m a little girl I’m a little girl And I formed a dislike for killing things which could not fight back Childish and childlike My rocking horses at the head of the stairs My rocking hearses I am Providence I am Providence I am Providence I am Providence And Providence is me
Diğer Şarkılar
Sibel Mirkelam – Ayak İzi
senden sonra aldığım nefes bile ağır bir dost selamı bile kahır geliyor ölüyor da bu kalbim başkasını istemiyor lanet olsun denedim olmuyor dalga dalga vuruyor hasretin limanlara sana adadım bu ömrü adamam başkasına bir kuru can bıraktın Allah’ın aşkına hiç mi sevmedin beni kalbimim üstünde ayak izin duruyor ezip geçerken unuttuğun oooo…. bilmesen de seni…
Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Deja Vu
Well black out Well no time The skin of the city is pulling real tight Around the big head of the hot rind The skin of the city is blushing at the sight Of her, of her, of her, of her It’s deja vu You got your Big teeth with your big bite You’re ripping…
Gavin DeGraw – Free
I’m a poor, I’m a rich I’m a mountain and a ditch I’m a dagger and a shield I’m impatient, I’m a yield And I wanna be free, wind in my hair Salt on my skin, sun in the air I have to feel love holding on me I’ll give you everything that you would…
Good Riddance – Boys And Girls
i remember when you disconnected with such high hopes but still rejected i know i’ve been there you thought something outside would always fix you you should know by now it’ll always trick you i know how it feels it was all just boys and girls making the most of a fucked up world left…
Yılmaz Morgül – Falcı
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Ruhi Su /Yunus Emre – Dervişlik Baştadır Tacda Değildir
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