In a crowded room I wanna hold your hand
Wanna kiss your lips like a desperate man
When I hear your voice callin my name
In a crowded room I wanna hold your hand
Wanna kiss your lips like a desperate man
When I hear your voice callin my name
Yeni çıktık farzet sudan İlkel umutlara safça yaslan ve düşlere dal Masalın sonunu duymadan Uykuya yenik düşen çocuk gibi hep masum kal Ah ne kaldı, ne kaldı Biraz daha umudum var Ah ne kaldı, ne kaldı Hala bir ruhum var
Times was simply plain I knew they’d eventually change Let’s take a trip down memory lane With the game talker, native New Yorker Gators on my feet, formerly British walker Yes love, that’s how it was before When you was funky fresh or down by law Parlay with your crew at the corner store Carrying…
(Ali) It was a late friday night hangin with my boys Smokin blunts, you know whats kickin dust, makin that noise When I saw her on the lot, at the veggie spot Gotta go coolio, that means its gettin too hot Oh no, thats when I peeped that she was gettin out the rappity bad,…
Sarı turnam yeşil turnam ak turnam Enginlerden yücelere çık turnam Yarim gözü yaşlı yolum gözlermiş Ona benim gözlerimle bak turnam Dağları sıralı turnam Kanadı karalı turnam Bu derdimi sen anlarsın Yüreği yaralı turnam Sarı turnam sen turnalar şahısın Gökyüzünün en gizemli kuşusun Küllenmişse içinde aşk ateşi Onu benim sevdam ile yak turnam Sarı turnam ne…
In their eyes of children is a world I wish could be Their definitions of this life derived so simply There’s no one to huert them and everything is fair The cruelty around them seems hidden from their stare Chorus: In their eyes I see a world where every man is free In their eyes…
My lady my lady listen I’m been doin’ u wrong for so damn long But now i wanna do the right thing for you lady I can’t live like this no more I’ve gotta get you back some how some way Please come home I’ve been doin’ you wrong girl For so damn long girl…