Hello Hooray let the show begin I’ve been ready Hello Hooray As the lights grow dim I’ve been ready Ready as this audience That’s coming here to dream Laughing every moment Every second every scream Oh I’ve been waiting so long To sing my song Oh I’ve been waiting so long For this thing to…
Decapitated head licking your cunt Sucking all the blood from your stump Intestinal guts taking their hold Leaving you dead, stiff and cold Controlling the minds of the bloodthristy dead Unholy seizure slicing through your head Who will survive only time will tell Dripping from your mouth comes a rancid smell Lobotomised corpse shredding your…
Yaz geçti güz geçti günlerim zor geçti Toprağa tohum düştü canıma can düştü Bir sevda boy verdi gurbete yol düştü Gönlüme yarim gül düştü Kalbimde bir sızı bilmem ki noluyor Göğsümde birşey avr talihsiz çarpıyor Bir duygu alsa da sarsa da kalbimi Bilmem ki bana noluyor Aşk sonsuza…aşk sonsuz aşk Ah aşkı arıyor kalbim Ah…
Hear the sound The angels come screaming down your voice I hear you’ve been bleeding Make your choice They say you’ve been pleading Someone save us Heaven help us now Come crashing down We’ll hear the sound As you’re falling down im at this old hotel But can’t tell if I’ve been breathing, Or sleeping,…
(Crowd:) [Evita Peron, Partido Feminista] (repeat in background) (Eva:) Peron is everything, he is the soul, the nerve The hope and the reality of the Argentine people We all know that there is only one man in our movement With his own source of light We all feed from his light, and that is Peron…
i’m playing games with your sex, with your ‘lectric shocks learn to let myself loose and be the dummy in your snapshots i’m playing games learn to get on with your backward fans stick my body in the sun and help to get rid of the white tan And maybe then you wouldn’t get so…