Sight a brand new horizon
Ascending from the hearts of those who couldn
Sight a brand new horizon
Ascending from the hearts of those who couldn
Kudret kandilinde balkıyıp duran Muhammet ali’nin nurudur billah Zuhur edip kuffarın meskenin yıkan Elinde zülfikar ali’dir billah Elinde zülfikar altında düldül Önünce kamberin dilleri bülbül Hz. fatma anam cennette bir gül Ona sırrım dedi hak resulullah Fatma anadan geldi hasan hüseyin Onların nuruyla ziyalandı din Kırklara erişti zeyneL abidin Çekeriz yasını hasbeten billah Muhammet bakırdan…
You are everything I need to see Smile and sunlight makes sunlight to me Laugh and come and look into me Drips of moonlight washing over me Can I show you what you are for me Angel of mine, can I thank you You have saved me time and time again Angel, I must confess…
Ben her gece böyle hüzün dolarım Rüyalarımda bile seni ararım Öyle ya da böyle geçer gündüzlerim Ben her gece böyle hüzün dolarım Aklımdan çıkmıyor güzel gözlerin Baktığım her yerde seni ararım Arttıkça sayısı sensiz günlerin Ben her gece böyle hüzün dolarım Senden bana kalan dertleri bile Yüreğimde anı diye saklarım Günlerim geçiyor ah çeke çeke…
I’ve seen a lot of sights and traveled many miles Shook a thousand hands and seen my share of smiles I’ve caused some great concern and told one too many lies And now I see the world through these sad, old, jaded eyes So what if I threw a party and all my friends were…
[Gorgon] Once again I call upon them, please be my guests a while See, I’ve dressed in purest scarlet, won’t you see me a while? I don’t want you any harm, please come play with me I know you know what I am, please help me see Like immortal shadows of the past they’re watching…
Waking up in the night The fear comes down Oh And here I go again with the insecurities Doubts are running themselves all over me Help Help is on the way She don’t have to say Anything She reaches out her hand I know she understands All of me Nobody loves me like she Just…