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Diğer Şarkılar
Türkü – Bahçelerde Üzerlik
Bahçelerde Üzerlik Soydan Olur Güzellik Duydum Yârim Evlenmiş De Allah Versin Düzenlik De Salına Da Salına Da Gel Yârim Pencerede Perde Yok Ben Ona Şaşıyorum Dünyada Yarsız Olan Da Sanmasın Yaşıyorum Da Salına Da Salına Da Gel Yârim Gümbür Bakırım Gümbür Dünür Gelmişler Dünür Durmasın Gelsin Dünür De Uslanmaz Deli Gönül De Salına Da Salına…
Hilal Cebeci – Böyle Gelmiş
Böyle gelmiş böyle Böyle geçer dünya Günlerimiz geçiyor Her gün saya saya Daha dün çocuktuk Sokaklara koştuk Yarın belki göç var Bu dünya olmaz ya Neşe, keder Hepsi geçer Bize kâr kalan Nedir bu dünyadan Bize kar kalan Nedir bu dünyadan Böyle gelmiş böyle Böyle geçer dünya Günlerimiz geçiyor Her gün saya saya Ömrümüz geçiyor…
Lividity – Chamber Of Bone
Putrid, rancid mesh of flesh, set fire by desire. Burning to ash, then collected, for our sadistic pleasing. Carving pentagram onto virgins back, masses silently chant. For a end to it all. Enter the chamber of bone, forgive me for the horrors you see. Carnage, mutilated cadavers. Bodies ripped to shreds. Carving pentagram onto virgins…
Roger Miller – (and You Had A) Do-Wacka-Do
Well I hear tell you’re doing well good things have come to you I wish I had your happiness And you had a do-wacka-do-wacka-do-wacka-do-wacka-do They tell me you’re runnin’ free your days’re never blue How I wish I had you good luck charm And you had a do-wacka-do-wacka-do-wacka-do-wacka-do Yeah I see you goin’ down the…
New Edition – Do What I Gotta Do
(so so hard girl) (i don’t know how to do this) (Oh i guess its one of those things a man just has to do) (but i promise it’ll work out for the better, trust me) i’ve been feeling lately like being single or just alone, to get into myself love ain’t easy, it can…
Church, The – All The Young Dudes
Well, Billy rapped all night about his suicide How he kick it in the head when he reached twenty-five Speed jive don’t want to stay alive When you’re twenty-five And Wendy’s stealing clothes from Marks and Sparks And Freedy’s got spots from ripping off the stars from his face Funky little boat race Now, the…