Dance of Love – Tom Jones
Come On , Come On Baby
Come On , Come On Baby
Come On , Come On
Come On , and Let
Dance of Love – Tom Jones
Come On , Come On Baby
Come On , Come On Baby
Come On , Come On
Come On , and Let
They were seen hi-jacking someone´s car they drove far away and it´s in the news, the papers too it´s all around They came here to steal the things they lack: computer equipment and chemical stuff cause we have have enough we give it away It´s this simple: you believe someone gives and you receive but…
the sunlight fades into the night you have another chance to make it right i won’t back down without a fight i told you once we’ll bring you down (chorus) we’re gonna rock all night, rock until the break of dawn the situation’s got the best of the time we once had it’s another chance…
Chorus Jesus Your love Takes my breath away I can’t get You off my mind I think about You night and day When the tears fell from my eyes You caught ’em in the nick of time Oh Jesus Your love Takes my Breath away Verse 1 Jesus Your love Takes my breath away It…
1907 de dogtu askimiz sari lacivert renkleri oldu sarkimiz sporun her dalinda bizim sanimiz hic bitmedi bitmeyecek bizim askimiz (2x) sari lacivert rengimiz fenerbahcem herseyimiz hic bir seye degismeyiz cunku fenerbahceliyiz (2x) 1907 de dogtu askimiz sari lacivert renkleri oldu sarkimiz sporun her dalinda bizim sanimiz hic bitmedi bitmeyecek bizim askimiz (2x) sari lacivert rengimiz…
Bu gece ağlarken mezarınıza Tatlı bir ümitle bakmaya geldim Aziz ruhunuzun derinliğine Bir gözyaşı olup akmaya geldim Kalanlar memnundur bu işinizden Ölüme gülerek gidişinizden Ben işte o sönmez ateşinizden Çalıp da kalbimi yakmaya geldim Gücünüz getirdi bize bu günü Sözlere sığmayan bu güzel ünü Ben de sizin gibi bir aşk gülünü Gencecik göğsüme takmaya geldim
[Chorus – Baby (Cristale)] (Get that dough) Look wipe a bitch down, let’s dribble on a hoe, C’mon (Get that dough) Let’s pop a few bottles, smoke a lil dro (Get that dough) Look wipe a bitch down, let’s dribble on a hoe, Wooo (Get that dough) Let’s pop a few bottles, smoke a lil…