Murdoc is god
Murdoc is god
Murdoc is god
Johnny is dead
Murdoc is king
Murdoc is dead
Murdoc is god
Johnny is dead
Murdoc is god
Murdoc is god
Murdoc is god
Johnny is dead
Murdoc is king
Murdoc is dead
Murdoc is god
Johnny is dead
Murdoc is god
Murdoc is god
Murdoc is god
Johnny is dead
Murdoc is king
Murdoc is dead
Murdoc is god
Johnny is dead
Murdoc is god
Murdoc is god
Murdoc is god
Johnny is dead
Murdoc is king
Murdoc is dead
Murdoc is god
Johnny is dead
from The Nightshift Watchman ………………………………………. The wind is right for sailing The tide is right to go So come away to sea with me There’s things that you should know There’s things I’d like to tell you That words can’t seem to say Unless we’re on this simple craft Sailing far away Chorus Sail around…
[Akon] Oh, oh [Khaled] DJ Khaled! [Akon] Konvict Music, yeah [Khaled] We the best We takin’ over Listennn! [T.I.] Ay, ay Started in Atlanta, then I spread out wit’ it South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi On to North Carolina, Phildelphia and Virginia From down in Miami where it warm in the winter On up to Minnesota…
I am full of regrets For all the things that I’ve done and said And I don’t know if it’ll ever be ok to show My face around here Sometimes I wonder if I disappear Would you ever turn your head and look See if I’m gone Cause I fear There is nothing left to…
In the middle of the green valleys deep inside the gloomy hills conceals the origin of all that is in existence Thousands of years ago people were pieces of us all but now the virginity is gone and the green is grey All of the time digging your own grave blind to see the omen…
Geze geze yoruldum mardine düştü yolum Mardin midyat içinde bir güzele vuruldum Naze naze naze mardin güzeli naze Naze naze naze midyat güzeli naze Derdinden verem oldum gel etme bana naze
reason and logic have been thrown out the window. a jesus fish won’t save you (from a car crash). fanatic fits (will only) lead to a mental diaper rash. no matter how you look at it, worm food is worm food. reason and logic have been thrown out the window, the scoundrels just don’t know…