Sex is philosophy, philosophy is sex

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Sex Sex x is Politics, politics is Sex

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The wheels are turning, everything is fine

Her mouth is open end every moan is mine

Another dark hole in a clear, blue eye

And when I look there, what do you think I find?

Something’s happening here, but what it is ain’t exactly clear

My temperature’s beginning to rise, may I throw away my disguise?

It’s not love that I bring to you, it’s a weapon, a lie and a tool

And the fantasies that fill my mind, they’re not tender and they’re not kind

They’re not kind, they’re the kind, they’re the kind

That kill


In the sunshine I pass all scrutiny

But when the night comes there is a change in me

For every locked door there is a secret key

And in every dark room there is a light to see

Turn it on, flip the switch, she’s not a person, she’s just a bitch

And the only joy that comes to me is in the perfect execution of my cruelty

Let me tell you what I see when she is stretched out naked in front of me

I see who I am, and I’m afraid because it’s not a man, it’s not a man, not a man

It’s a beast not a man

lt was such a shame, I’d seen her around but I never know her name

He’d been in trouble from an early age, a problem child full of fear and rage

In the school yard at the back, a security camera caught this violent act

She’d come willing to him, she only wanted to he bis friend

He ripped away her shirt, he called her a whore, said that she was dirt

She was pleading for her lifa, she was screaming, “Why? Why? Why?”

He grabbed her by the hair, threw her down and kicked her there

She couldn’t believe her eyes, es he reached in bis pants end pulled it out-It’s a knife!

It’s a knife! It’s a knife! It’s a knife!

Is that a cock or a knife?


Are you getting what you want? Are you getting what you see?

Is this the business of pornography?

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