adam and eve, sittin’ in the woods, eve said ‘man i got somethin’ real good – it’s in that tree, you’ll get smart fast!’ adam said ‘sure, satan my ass – i don’t see no snakes but all women are bad’ [chorus:] all women are bad, all women are bad, that’s what he said, all women are bad, groovy wiggly tails, horns on their head, all women are bad, all women are bad… samson and delilah, talkin’ bout groomin’, delilah said ‘sam, you don’t look human!’ took some scissors, went snip-snip, said ‘now everybody’s gunna think you’re hip’ sam felt his head and said ‘all women are bad’ there’s one with you, lookin’ so sweet, but she’s just a wolf dressed up like sheep, secret gadgets up under their clothes – stuff you hear about but nobody knows, and it ain’t no use…all women are bad save me the label of that perfume on the table, so i can remember what made a wreck of me
Diğer Şarkılar
Harun Kolçak – Canım Sıkkın
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Musa Eroğlu – Hey Erenler (ft. Arif Sağ & Muhlis Akarsu)
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Foreigner – The Modern Day
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Brian Setzer Orchestra – Cross of Love
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Siouxsie and the Banshees – Tearing Apart
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Fettah Can – Unuttum
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