From the Albums:
* Moontan
* Golden Earring Live
Candy took the pearls, got ahead of the girls
Got on top and found the secret entrance
Are you satisfied?
Through neon doors,
From the Albums:
* Moontan
* Golden Earring Live
Candy took the pearls, got ahead of the girls
Got on top and found the secret entrance
Are you satisfied?
Through neon doors,
You call me from your armchair with no will to be there The weight of your armored suit so immense Caught up in the turnstiles even talk becomes battle Withdraw your only defense I’ve held that emptiness I’ve held it and I’ve made the same wish at times To lunge headlong and out of reach…
Ağlama, ağlama… Kurşunlar değmiş gözyaşlarıma yarabbim İsyanım her günüme ağlama annem Sil gözyaşlarını, kurtarman gerekecek bilirim Evladının gözyaşlarını silmesi gereken benim ama yoksun Çare mi kaldı yetim ellerime vuracak bu toz toprak Ellerimde kan lekeleri Bir katil mevcut lüks dünyada ana sevdasından yoksun İsyanım sana Alamazdın onu benden bıraktın yanıma Yaşayan ölü, ben piç miyim?…
Oh, People, baby, what’s the matter with you? Your feet, they ain’t leaving’ the ground. Don’t you just want to get up, babe, Hearing this rocking sound? Don’t you just want to jump on up, And kick your chairs out of the way? OOh we’re going to rock you, baby, Rock you till the break…
I hesitate to say I was bait for you Could that be something that you all would do? I’d be lying if I did now say I wasn’t intrigued But timing is everything here, and for the moment the “we” is reprieved But, as I watch the girl unfold before my eyes, I discover That…
Verse 1: Söyle Bayro yoksa birine bir sitem mi bu. Şimdi susan bir melek bir gün gelir üfler soru. Suyu az olsa da bile yaşın yanında bile ıslanır kuru. Hayallerimse firar etti göremez oldum ben yolu. Kalem benim sözüm benim rapim benim hayat benim bi defterim ölüm benim. Bitiş yerinde seferi çok gidişlerinde bileti yok…
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