He sees me
So clearly
Come over
And get my number
He’d come around
He’ll break down
Say baby
Don’t ever leave me
You please me, You tease me
One time too
One time too many
He sees me
So clearly
Come over
And get my number
He’d come around
He’ll break down
Say baby
Don’t ever leave me
You please me, You tease me
One time too
One time too many
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O Sirin Sözlerine,hayranim Gözlerine,bakma El Sözlerine, Gel Yanima gel gel gel,gel Yanima gel, Gel Yanima gel gel gel,gel Yanima gel. Aman Eller görmesin,Sakin Eller duymasin,aman Eller Görmesin, Gel Yanima gel gel gel,gel Yanima gel. Domurcuk Nameleri,Cözuver Dügmeleri,göreyim Sineleri, Gel Yanima gel gel gel,gel Yanima gel, Gel Yanima gel gel gel,gel Yanima gel. Aman Eller görmesin,Sakin…
Chip away, I’m not okay, so I chip away Poked a hole right into myself And inside I found someone Said I was okay, still I don’t feel easy On this tree among the blossoms Caustically I am the thorn Close my eyes to take up spare time I wish I just could be where…
Suda balık oynuyor Canim sana kaynıyor Düştüm merhametsize Hiç halimden bilmiyor Leyli leyli köylü kızı sen allar giy ben kırmızı Yine doğdu tan yıldızı Doğmaz olsun tan yıldızı Suda balık yan gider Açma yaram kan gider Açma güzel sineni Cahilim aklım gider
Dreizehntes Kapitel SCHWARZE PUPPEN Liegt ein Toter – seht, ein Toter sitzt im Kahn -… Ein Toter liegt im Totenbett, ganz totenbleich und zahm. Ja rotzt dem Clown ins Totenbett und seid ein bisschen nett. Seht euch diese Toten an, sie klappern wie in einer Geisterbahn. DIE BUCKLIGE Schwarze Puppen sind so sonderbar, sie tanzen,…
You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say to you girl We couldn’t get much higher Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire Oh, the time to hesitate is through There’s…