Der neunte Schuss ging sauber durch die Stirn
(The nineth shot went directly through the forehead)
Der neunte Schuss ging sauber durch die Stirn
(The nineth shot went directly through the forehead)
Music & Lyrics: John Popper Stand Stand and walk Tragedy Is cheap and so is talk Decision Yours to make what will you do In the end It comes back to you Cause it’s a long… way to fall Thunder Don’t scare me at all Lightning Well just a little Pressure It ain’t worth a…
You’re playing tug of war with your tongue You’re playing Russian roulette with a loaded gun I don’t think you realize We have no time to waste Do you even understand? We’re going over the same old things You take and you take, will you ever give? It’s been the same for so long Same…
İşten güçten kaçtım Bir an önce eve attım kendimi Bir huzur bin ziyafet Benimde bir sevgilim var elbet İşte aşk bu bizden kaçmaz Hiç korkma usanmaz Aşk bu aşk bizden kaçmaz Keyfime yok diyecek yok Yemin etsem başım ağrımaz Orta şekerli kahvem asla saatini şaşmaz Keyfime yok diyecek yok Yemin etsem başım ağrımaz Orta şekerli…
when you think of a metal head, tell me what comes to mind? well maybe stone washed jeans a mullet? a guy who is evolutionary one step behind, well when rob halford came out of the closet, it may have not been a big thing, well today we are one step closer to hearing the…
Je crains la nuit quand tu n’es pas la Ce tout petit au-dela Je crains le silence apres les voix Ce froid si froid I fear the night when you are not there This little hereafter I fear the silence after the voices This cold so cold Je crains les rues, le jour et les…
short wave dictator launches the blitzkrieg upon your frontal lobe the unexpected siege of the fortress thought impenetrable “world peace” just a few elusive frequencies away for there is no enslavement more absolute than unconscious enslavement.