I am the fear who doesn’t cower

Seeking whom I may devour

Seeking out a girl or a boy

To steal and kill and destroy

Do you even know my name?

You’re so pathetic and lame

And before this day is through

I know I’ll get to you

I hate you, I hate you

You can’t hide from me

And He can’t help you

I am and I have been and

I’ll always be your enemy

I am your dream come true

Your nightmare hanging in a tree

Your suicide, your wasted life

Your lust for flesh all belongs to me

I hate your guts, you little punk

Don’t come around here selling your junk

I know one who’s bigger than all your fright

A weenie dog has more bite

You’re a maggot, a pain in the neck

A little scratch upon my back

And I laugh at the day when you burn in hell

Forever in your jail

I hate you, I hate you

You can’t get to me

He’s already saved me

You don’t deserve and you won’t get

No glory in this song

All power, glory, blessing and honor

Belongs to our God

We lift you up, we magnify

We thank you Lord for giving us life

You don’t deserve and you won’t get

No glory in this song

All power, glory, blessing and honor

Belongs to our God

We lift you up, we magnify

We thank you Lord for giving us life

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