Gurbet o kadar acı Ki ne varsa içimde Hepsi bana yabancı Hepsi başka biçimde Eriyorum gitgide Elveda her ümide Gurbet…
untie me this peace of mind can't let go beside me, the finer things Start to show divide me into…
aşk yağıyor istanbula hasret beni kavuruyor aşk yağıyor istanbula hasret beni kavuruyor ben hala aşk militanı karakol beni arıyor aşk…
I wanted perfection from every song I've ever sung But that was wrong And I wanted something from every person…
See that train coming round the bend, Carrying the one that I love Her beautiful body is still here on…
When everything is going wrong And things are just a little strange its been so long now You've forgotten how…
Sick and sad again, sometimes I'd like the rain to end. Sick and sad again, sometimes I like to stand…
Close my eyes Feel me now I don't know how you could not love me now You will know, with…
Ain't it just a rip off, oi, oi, oi Ain't it just a rip off, oi, oi, oi Ain't it…
Sacred steel, the blazing sword, the swift two edged blade. At the hands of the LORD, will pierce the caverns…