Porter Wagoner – Conversation

I was talkin’ to a farmer not long ago

His face was all brown and wrinkled and his hair was as white as snow

I’d gone for a drive out in the country when I stopped at his place

When I first stopped and spoke to him

He said don’t I know you you look familiar to me

He sat there for a minute and said yeah I know you

I listen to you on the radio and watch you on TV

Then he started to tell me about his farm

And his voice got real soft with a gentle tone

He said this little ol’ farm has sent five kids through school

And for 48 years it’s been my home

The wife and I bought this place when we first got married

She was just 18 and I was 21

We raised all of our five children right here

Sent ’em through school and onto college our four girls and one son

I asked him what he thought about things today

All the prices and everything seem so high

He said well I sorta leave that to someone else

Cause I figure that nearly everything kinda even’s out in the end I’ll tell you why

You see I raise the corn fatten the hogs take ’em into town

Then I take the money that the hogs bring

And buy me some new seeds to plant in the ground

Then I raise the wheat that makes the flour to feed my wife and me

I raise the hay too feeds them cows out there to give us the milk we need

So I leave the price fixin’ and things like that to someone else you see

Cause I got all that I can do just taking care of this place

And bein’ an American farmer is what God wanted me to be

Then he said I enjoy talkin’ to you Porter

But I’d better be back to work now I reckon you take care

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