Piebald – American Hearts

HEY! your part of it

YEA! your part of it

HEY! your part of it

YEA! your part of it

I walk the streets of a Carolina

watching people pushing shopping carts

and there’s a guy above me

and he’s washing windows

making ten bucks a pop

and he says to me…

HEY! your part of it

YEA! your part of it

HEY! your part of it

YEA! your part of it

and I said Sir, well have you heard

that this country is un-equal still?

History continues itself

continues itself

history continues itself

and I did not create the rules.

From all I’ve heard

and all I’ve seen

this place has broken

my american heart

from all I’ve heard

and all I’ve seen

this place has broken

my american heart

HEY! your part of it

YEA! your part of it

HEY! your part of it

YEA! your part of it

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