Tragically Hip – Fully Completely

Bring me back in shackles,

Hang me long out in the sun.

Exonerate me, forget about me

I recommend measures for ending it.

Lover, she simply slammed the door.

She said, “you’re gonna miss me.

Wait and you’ll see.” Fully and completely.

I ponder the endlessness of the stars,

Ignoring said same of my father.

Either it’ll move me,

Or it’ll move right through me.

Fully and completely.


Wee-eelll, bring me back in shackles,

Aaand hang me long out in the sun.

Exonerate me then forget about me

Oh wait and you’ll see, just wait and you’ll see.

Fully, completely

Fullllyyy and completely

Fullllyyyyy, completely

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