Watchmen, The – Calm

Her mind just snapped said this is it

And she just bit right through her lip

Things are flying they hit the floor

Someone’s laughing but it’s not her

She just screams out madly let it end

She climbs through the window in stocking feet

And the ants they dance upon the street

Come down baby come down from there

Now what are you thinking with that stare

She cries if you love me help it end

Calm down baby just think about before

When we felt like loving we’d fall down on the floor

We can find our way there again

Let’s think about tomorrow quit talking all about the end

Her eyes are spinning like vertigo

And a spider crawls by got somewhere to go

Tired of thinking about that twilight zone

Where the man would scream and nobody’d know

Remember those symphony tickets we bought

We never made it out of that parking lot

Come down baby don’t leave me here

Don’t drown yourself in those little fears

She just whispers softly let it end

Calm down baby just think about before

We loved each other so damn hard we were torn and sore

I swear that I will take you from this place

Don’t worry about your pain girl we’ll wipe out every trace

Let me take you one more time

Let me know you like I did once before

So please now take my shaking hand

I beg you and I demand

She teeters like a seesaw on the edge

Rocks they drop but find no end

A bird flies by and winks at me

Says how much will you pay for this pair of wings

She just whispers softly let it end

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