I can’t believe the news today

Oh, I can’t close my eyes

And make it go away

How long…

How long must we sing this song?

How long? How long…

’cause tonight…we can be as one


Broken bottles under children’s feet

Bodies strewn across the dead end street

But I won’t heed the battle call

It puts my back up

Puts my back up against the wall

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

And the battle’s just begun

There’s many lost, but tell me who has won

The trench is dug within our hearts

And mothers, children, brothers, sisters

Torn apart

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

How long…

How long must we sing this song?

How long? How long…

’cause tonight…we can be as one


Wipe your tears away

Wipe your tears away

Wipe your tears away, ect

Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)



Chris(guitarist/singer): Ladies and Gentlemen, Trav Dempsy on the drums!

Trav(drummer): I’ve been thinking very hard about this Chris, and it seems our show is lacking something.

Chris: What’s that?

Trav: It’s lacking controversy, There’s no controversy in rock n’ roll! And I’ve just decided, right now, that every time we play, I’m gonna stop the show and get shit off my chest! It will be therapy. Is that ok with everyone?!

Crowd: *Applause*

Scott(bassist): You gonna get naked?

Trav: Nah

Scott: Ok, good!

Trav: This is my controversy for this show…

Some Drunken Fan: Are you a Prisoner of Society?!

Trav: *Long Pause* No. Can I just have my little 3 minutes of fame, thank you! One night, me and Scott were out drinking…

Chris: No!

Trav: …and rumored to be taking drugs, I won’t confirm those allegations and we went to a nightclub. And its like, 5 in the morning and ya know what, I get to the door and the guy says; “You can’t come in!”. I thought because it was 5 in the morning.

Crowd: Boo!

Trav: And I said “Oh, No worries, mate!” and he says “Nah, You can’t come in because you got tattoos.”

Crowd: Boooooo!

Trav: And I said to him, “Haha, You have GOT to be kidding!” and he says “Nah mate, Honest, You can’t come in because you got tats!”. I said “That is fucking discrimination cunt!!”

Crowd: *Cheers*

Chris: It IS discrimination!!…we got one song left…

Trav: Hang on! Hey! No! Fuck it! I know this is on tape, but I’ve got my controversy! And anyway, to cut a long story short, Club 161 on the corner of I believe it’s High Street and Chapel Street in Prane…Get Fucked You Pricks!

Crowd: *Eruption of Applause*

Scott: Haha…Black bagged!

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