Private Wilson White, America is proud tonight

Proud to claim you for their hero, Private White

On a battlefield one day in a land so far away

Mid the rattle of machine guns in the dawn’s first golden light

Twenty men lay close to death, nineteen of them held their breath

While one volunteered to save them, volunteered to give his life

Private Wilson White, America is proud tonight

Proud to claim you for their hero, Private White

Nineteen lives he meant to save, not one backward glance he gave

As he yelled, for God and country, through an open field he ran

But the enemy had seen and they understood his scheme

And the fire from their machine guns knocked the rifle from his hands

Private Wilson White, America is proud tonight

Proud to claim you for their hero, Private White

Seven bullets found their mark, seven bullets near the heart

And the force of seven bullets knocked the soldier to the ground

But his promise he must keep, and he staggered to his feet

Ran toward the four machine guns that pinned the soldiers down

Private Wilson White, America is proud tonight

Proud to claim you for their hero, Private White

Bullets flyin’ everywhere, smoke and gunfire filled the air

Onward ran the wounded soldier to keep the vow he made

Nearly dead, but deep within, was the strength to pull the pin

As he yelled, I died for freedom, he threw the hand grenade

Private Wilson White, America is proud tonight

Proud to claim you for their hero, Private White

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