I got a pile of love I keep it under my bed
You know it keep me safe when I
I got a pile of love I keep it under my bed
You know it keep me safe when I
Şarkı enstrümantal olduğu için şarkı sözü bulunmamaktadır.
somewhere in my mind i won’t forget it’s hard to erase the bad times from my mind so much that i’ve done now i regret and there is no replacement for time it’s foolishness when i repeat an act when before it only got me burned with help it’s not hard to turn away but…
well your legacy of hate descends where the dreams begin and the nightmares end and maybe, i should have left it right there well i pinch myself and i click my heels and you’ll never know how quite how it feels you’re not a parent, you’re a recurring nightmare well i will never let you…
Under the skies of old Big D he works a nine-to-five Bending steel and driving nails by phone in a suit and tie He fights traffic in his Mercedes to put on his cowboy boots Then he climbs on board his pickup truck and barrels on out of the chute Dallas days and Fort Worth…
Azar, azar içimde büyüdü aşkın Şimdi ne yere göğe sığıyor Tutamadım içimde patladı aşkın Yavaş, yavaş kanıma sızıyor Seninle olması sarılıp uyuması Göz göze bakması bile yetiyor Seninle olması sarılıp uyuması Göz göze bakması bile yetiyor Biz seninle ekmekle tuz gibi Yaz gününde buz gibi Sekiz ile dokuz gibi ayrılamayız Biz seninle aynı damarda kan…
We work and slave the day away. We’re wasting perfect families. We fucking fight like vagabonds. We dance like fucking animals. Don’t stop the band is coming on. Rude boys and punks will shout a lot. Police cars bring cuffs and loaded guns. Kids scream but laughing as they run. I-I-I, I-I-I, I-I-I hope, do…