Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na I’m the only fucking child there ever was I’m the only fucking child Adulthood is hell Namby-pamby protracted childhood The only alternative Namby-pamby protracted childhood Earthworks of infantility The facts of life cleaned from passion-killing anotomical tomes You don’t need pot to see Pan. You don’t need pot to see Pan I’m a little girl I’m a little girl I’m a little girl I’m a little girl And I formed a dislike for killing things which could not fight back Childish and childlike My rocking horses at the head of the stairs My rocking hearses I am Providence I am Providence I am Providence I am Providence And Providence is me
Diğer Şarkılar
Das Ich – Re-Animat
Es sind Fragen die wir meiden und Geschichten voller Leiden Meine Hände waren tauglich nur dein Herz das ist unglaublich Alle wurden wir geboren und das ist auch völlig klar Alle werden wir auch sterben, das ist nur bei andren wahr Ein Jahrtausend ist vergangen und gar grausig ist das Bangen Meine Tage sind gezählt…
Bonnie Tyler – TEARS
(Frankie Miller) Producer for Bonnie: Jim Steinman Such a long time ago Now I know You’ve woke up to find You were wrong There ain’t no doubt Put me out Nearly made me blind You sent me a letter, brought tears to my eyes Tell me you’ve changed, after all this time Like a stone…
Bill Monroe – I Believed In You Darling
Oh you said that you loved me that your heart would be true But now you’ve gone and left me, I’m so blue I believed in you darling that your heart would be true But now you’ve gone and left me, I’m so blue Our vows have been broken, you have proven untrue Another has…
Yıldız Usmonova – Belli belli
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Dizi Müzikleri – Asmalı Konak
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Ümit Besen – Bu Şarkı Sana
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