Will you make me cry
Will you make me sorry
I ever loved you
Will i cast aside these pages
Will you make me cry
Will you make me sorry
I ever loved you
Will i cast aside these pages
Beni bu halimle bırakıp gitme Senin yokluğunda yarınsızım ben Çaresiz hasretler terkedip gitme Senin yokluğunda yarınsızım ben Senin yokluğunda anlamsızım ben İstemem dünyanın senetleri İstemem ahiretin cennetlerini İstemem yarının ümitlerini Sensiz sabahlarda güneşim doğmaz Geceler zalimdir, tesellim olmaz Küllenin ateşin bir daha yanmaz İstemem dünyanın senetleri İstemem ahiretin cennetlerini İstemem yarının ümitlerini Beni bu halimle…
How dare you say that my behavior’s unacceptable So condescending, unnecessarily critical I have the tendency of getting very physical So watch your step cause if I do you’ll need a miracle You drain me dry and make me wonder why I’m even here This double vision I was seeing is finally clear You want…
Talking in my sleep She ain’t gonna hear it So my secrets have to keep A little while longer In my heart where they’ve been For so long I can’t remember Days turn into weeks Still she’s not with me Still my secrets have to keep A little while longer In my heart where they’ve…
NAKARAT (2X) Alamut rhyme bile aydın, Aydalaylamam sık bile bi aylık, En olgun aygınla bir gramay bakaydım hey, kalaydan hey Rhymemım hiphop saymına paha biç, Sabit gafille salimse şehşinah hakim vaktin. Kimde şeref var işte bu, Keneften ayrılsın beyni yitirecek efkarlı Elemeyn elemekte, kefaye bilemekte Haremeynlekte rap kral hey benim önümde diretme, Seymülhüm ayarda zalim…
Crusaders in white, red crosses they wear Defilers of light, in god’s name they dare Acolytes of God or Baphomet By the churches’ law merchants of death Nightmare-like out of their brain Visions that drive them insane Holy war inside their head Holy men who walk with the dead We don’t want your holy war…
Dolled up in neon strut your wares down the street All the nouveau stars and starlets starin’ at your sweet You pot an underground Babylon of rock and roll Always catch the last set to play as the night gets old [Chorus:] Oh babe, It may be quite good But it’s not quite as good…