She is death,
All of the time.
She is death,
All of the days.
She is death,
And I can’t leave
From her trap.
She is death,
All of the time.
She is death,
All of the days.
She is death.
And I can’t leave
From her trap.
She is death,
All of the time.
She is death,
All of the days.
She is death,
And I can’t leave
From her trap.
She is death,
All of the time.
She is death,
All of the days.
She is death.
And I can’t leave
From her trap.
Gurbet Elde Bir Hal Geldi Başıma, Ağlama Gözlerim Mevlâ Kerimdir. Derman Arar İken Derde Düş Oldum, Ağlama Gözlerim Mevlâ Kerimdir. Huma Kuşu Suya Düştü Ölmedi, Dünya Sultan Süleyman’a Kalmadı. Dedim Yâre Gidem Nasip Olmadı, Ağlama Gözlerim Mevlâ Kerimdir. Kağıda Yazarlar Ufak Yazılar, Anasız Olur Mu Körpe Kuzular. Yürek Yaralıdır, Ciğer Sızılar, Ağlama Gözlerim Mevlâ Kerimdir….
Standing on the edge of morning, scent of sex and New Found Glory playing as she’s pulling back her hair. She drives away, she’s feeling worthless; used again, but nothing’s different. She’d stay the night but knows he doesn’t care. At home by three; a deafening quiet. The porch light’s off, guess they forgot it….
Ben Bir Göçmen Kızı Gördüm Tuna Boyunda Elinde Bir Besli Kuzu Hem Kucağında Doğru Söyle Göçmen Kızı Annen Var Mıdır Ne Annen Var Ne Baban Var Kalmışım Öksüz Sen Bir Öksüz Ben Bir Garip Alayım Seni Alayımda Gurbet Elde Sarayım Seni Teligrafın Tellerinden Haber Varmı Dır? Ne Haber Var Ne Mektup Var Kalmışım Öksüz Doğru…
i guess i’m not the kind of boy who’s seen it all before anymore i thought i’d figured out the way to see the sunny side of the day making plans, making good and keep on asking on could it be so good i’ll have to sit and calculate think myself a mess for the…
They say ??? ??? They say you died before And you
You… You have a favorite singer You bought his albums for the passion you felt in his voice He spoke in a foreign language I don’t understand I went deaf and cannot hear Had yelling for a year from fathers, sisters, cars, and kitchens It’s not my fault if you don’t hear the noise They…