I will always be here
I will always look out from behind these eyes
It’s only a lifetime
It’s only a lifetime
It’s only a lifetime
I will always be here
I will always look out from behind these eyes
It’s only a lifetime
It’s only a lifetime
It’s only a lifetime
I’m wanted dead or alive I stalk the New York sidewalk All the girls hawk, but I don’t stop to talk I keep stepping with a nine on my waistline Got 16 shots and I don’t waste mine Never fess cause I’m dressed with a bulletproof vest Try to test, I leave a bloody-ass mess…
bir sehrin sokaklarinda yuruyorum bir kapinin onunde duruyorum zile basiyorum kapiyi acan sen karsinda duran ben yillardan sonra sasirmiyorsun guluyorsun ben sadece seni gormeye geldim ben sadece hatirini sormaya geldim bendeki hatiralari vermeye geldim cek alayli bakisini gozlerimden cek sihirli bakisini uzerimden beni bilirsin cok duyguluyumdur kanar yuregim derinden ben sadece seni gormeye geldim ben…
Far Cry Pariah dogs and wandering madmen Barking at strangers and speaking in tongues The ebb and flow of tidal fortune Electrical changes are charging up the young It’s a far cry from the world we thought we’d inherit It’s a far cry from the way we thought we’d share it You can almost feel…
Maybe I’am a dreamer Maybe just a fool Lately I can hardly see the sun If you had a secret I could take a guess But nothin’ in your eyes seems to hold me Truth or consequences Which one will be? (*) Someone said That time would ease the pain Of two lives love has…
Mosquitos buzzin’ round my head Spanish moss for my bed I sail them sea dried land cause I’m an alligator man I hunt the gator all night long sell his hidin’ then I’m gone I pick all the bells I can they love the alligator man This country is my home from this place I’ll…
By Peter Tork and Joseph Richards Love is understanding, Don’t you know that this is true. Love is understanding, It’s in everything we do. In this generation, In this lovin’ time, In this generation, We will make the world shine. We were born to love one another This is something we all need. We were…