Cannot stand this shade before me

But I’m alright if you just adore me

Gonna be the emetic of you all

Until the day this fucking curtain fall

There’s a crystal supernova

I am God and you’re Jehova

Icecold blooded words of doom

Written with a lipstick in the ladies room

Sex, fire & twist & shout & over & out

Sex & fire & twist & shout & over & out

Are we gonna do the things that are undone

Burning like a shotgun in the fast lane, baby come on

Hide one little secret more

Do it like we did before

Got a dirty soul and it’s for sale

Trade it for a bottle of the finest pale

Fire at will, baby start the race

If I loose you can punch my ugly face

Sex, fire & twist & shout & over & out

Sex & fire & twist & shout & over & out

I want sex and drugs and rock’n’roll

Give it to me baby ’til I loose control

I know, you know, we know I will pay this toll

For another broken dream and a lovedoll

I’ve got bloodstains on my fingertips

And a bitter sweet taste on my lips

Wanna have you in the backseat for an hour or two

Take a crashcourse and revel in you

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