1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4! no matter what you say. no matter what you do. it makes no difference at all to me. you do all that you can to grab the upperhand, but it won’t make me change the way i feel. in this world of mine there is room for change, but i’ll still keep my history. in this world of mine i will take the time to strip away the mystery. 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4! i’m happy where i stand. things are looking up again. i’ll enjoy it while i can before it ends. and you’ll keep on being mad. talk of all the things you’ve had. maybe some day you will get them again. in this world of mine there is room for change, but i’ll still keep my history. in this world of mine i will take the time to strip away the mystery. in this world of mine there is room for change, but i’ll still keep my history. in this world of mine i will take the time to strip away the mystery.
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