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Şu dağları delmeli
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Uyu demeye geldim
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Yavrum yaran nerende
Melhem olmaya geldim
Kızgınım çok kırgınım Bir yol bir adım gönlümü gel al Üzgünüm cok dargınım Bir ses bir haber kalbimi gel al El miyim ben sana Bunca zamandan sonra Ne selam ne merhaba Gönlüm küskün gel al Yar ben sana anlatamam beni Yar bir türlü aldatamam seni Gitti gider durmaz elinde Bir selam gönlümü al Söz-Müzik: Sibel…
So universal’s the admiration of this story Covered with glory and renown was the Roman king The young princess was not pleased at what was going on there She was orphan but possessed extensive lands Angry with he sister Cleopathra had a fight She put Asinoe to death nor her brother could survive She won…
Here we are now face to face Gonna make it very clear ‘Cause I don’t have time to waste If your heart is insincere Tonight is gonna be the night Tell ya how its gonna be Gonna give my love to you If you give it back to me That’s the way I planned it…
Kaderimle bas basa bin bir dertle doluyum Böyle mahsun perişan hayatın mahkumuyum. Yazık cok gec anladim bu hayat böyle gecmez Bak yıllar nasıl gecti ömur bitti dert bittmez. Yarabbim feryadimi artik duysan diyorum Senden ya bin sabir ya bir umit bekliyorum Ben bu sonsuz karanlık yolların yolcusuyum Yetmez mi çektiklerim bende Allah kuluyum. Hatıramdan hayalim…
An honest feeling of regret, an honest feeling o flove, within a single flash, it can all be taken away, I never old have thought it could be me struggling in life. To be the one who people depended on to survive, I don’t understand, Why it was me? All I ever asked for was…
If I was the wife of an acrobat… Could’ve had it all…Could’ve had it all… Where’s all the money gone? – I’m talking to you, All up the hole in your arm is the needle, a much better screw. But oh, what will you do alone? Cos I have to go. Where is this life…