Leather made shoes
Mayflower was a girl
Who came from my room
With a box of faded feathers
And her leather made shoes
But you know when she goes
Leather made shoes
Mayflower was a girl
Who came from my room
With a box of faded feathers
And her leather made shoes
But you know when she goes
Inside Is Consuming Anxieties Domain Declining Will Within Myself Is So Hard To Contain My Time Running Out Will I Survive My Life Wastes Away Still In Decline Apocalypse Inside Inside There Is Nothing When Once There Was Concern You Do Not Exist To Me The Point Of No Return My Time Running Out Will…
I saw the light – I saw the light – Oh I saw the light – He lived in a crowded Jamaican infirmary – Many were brought there to die – Days of starvation complete deprivation – And illness had taken his sight – But a doctor came to the village there – And treated…
Selam satırlar gecenın ortasında bır hayal duserdı gozlerımde son bı perde kaktı Bak ruya degıl gercek hepsı gayri mutluyum umutluyum bılırsın önce sey yasandı fakat benım Gecmısım sen le basladı anla yarım kablım senle seytan tasladı soyle nerden basladı tıtreden hıkayemızdı biz bi zuhreyız su gokyuzunde hangı turdeyız (Söyle) İmrenirdi Melek ler sen yanımda olmayınca…
How do you get your teeth so pearly? dewdrop dentures white-washed fences she runs from the third world pearly vanilla (feel it crawl to me) milkshakes (crawl back again) from hard rock (whatever you say) cafes (MAKE IT go away) that’s where (I feel it crawl to me) she got her (crawl back again) sweet…
Yeni yeni dertler veriyor Ayrılığın yeri mi? Yol bulamam gözlerine Zehir ettin gecelerimi Benim kendime sözüm geçmez Gözde yaşımı tutamam Tenin tenime kavuşamadan İan artık iflah olmam Gel biraz şansım olsun yanında farkım olsun Sevmeye hakkım olsun Aşk zamanıdır Gel biraz şansım olsun Yanında farkım olsun Sevmeye hakkım olsun Tam zamanıdır
When we walk away Come the day that we’re leaving here We can stop and stay on the way We can leave our fear Lady of rain Will we regain or decline Lady of rain Where is the sweet Summer wine It falls from the vine Where we’re going to Everything’s waiting for you What…