Push me over the edges, push me over the edges
Suffocating the senses
You strip me defenseless, I know you
Images reflected
Push me over the edges, push me over the edges
Suffocating the senses
You strip me defenseless, I know you
Images reflected
He said he wanted to Just touch you He said he wanted to Just touch you Star bellied boy Different from the rest Your sooo different from the rest Prove your different form the rest Your no fuckin different from the rest (I only wanted to believe we are all free) And then he said…
Hey you kids, bullying the kids down at your school one of these days you’re gonna grow up, be ashamed who gave you the right to decide who is and who aint cool who could sit at your table and be on your team and play your games CHORUS let ’em shine, shine like a…
Little girl in these changing times You got to move on or left behind Every day is a battle again And the state of future looks so damned … … allright And if you get it right … … … Well you just got to fight for what you want You got to fight for…
(Featuring Busta Rhymes, Remy Martin & Tephlon) [Busta Rhymes] Attention please, attention please!! This shit here feels like a whole entire WORLD collapsed! Motherfuckerrrrrrrrrr! Yeah, yeah, yeah (yeah) yeah! Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) Buck (buck) buck (buck) buck (buck) buck (buck) buck Busta Rhymes now, M.O.P. now What you want now? (What you…
Aşkın önünde kimse duramaz Birileri dikilipte engel olamaz Aşk bu kimse hesapta soramaz Yürek bu dağların efendisidir Dağlar dağlar Uzakta yarim ağlar Size ben ne dedim Yol verin de geçelim dağlar
The King of Oblivion (Written by Kirk McLeod, arranged by Seven Nations) Between the refuge of the interstate overpass And the Sun State building stretching twenty-four stories to the skies Car tires and cat’s eyes sing a lullaby He walks the sidewalk like he’s dancing on fire He climbs the fire escape like there’s no…