I believe you
When you say that you will reach into the sky
And steal a star so you can put it on my finger
I believe you
Baby, I believe you
I believe you
When you say that every time that we make love
Will be the first time we
I believe you
When you say that you will reach into the sky
And steal a star so you can put it on my finger
I believe you
Baby, I believe you
I believe you
When you say that every time that we make love
Will be the first time we
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You’re out on the ocean and you get pulled down Freefall to the bottom Like when you’re drowning or falling asleep You get turned around And when you think you’re swimming to the surface You’re swimming straight down. Down to the bottom. All the way to the bottom. Secret codes and cryptograms I’m lost in…
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I’d give anything to be back home in Santa Rosa How I wish this road would take me home where I belong Cause I have found no other place where I would stay I’m tired and all my dreams have failed along the way I’d give anything to be back home in Santa Rosa Though…
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