Every tree has got her root and every girl forbidden fruit
As well as demons..
And the path I chose to go, a different girl so long ago,
Well I had my reasons..
And she’s in my head so loud and screaming
Every tree has got her root and every girl forbidden fruit
As well as demons..
And the path I chose to go, a different girl so long ago,
Well I had my reasons..
And she’s in my head so loud and screaming
I’ve always hated my room, it’s so gloomy and dreary Always too dark, for the windows just face the back yard So I can’t understand how it’s happened, how everything’s changing This old dirty ceiling seems a little whiter When you walked into the room it all got so much brighter You must have a…
Yıllarım yalan dolan ve 3 dolarla kalbe konduk Tekmeler gelir bu kalbe ekmeğin peşinde Teklemez vurur o mermi namlular başında İlk sigaramı yaktım 12 yaşında Düşmanımda ne etsin ki dostlarım karşımda Kaybedenler oynamazlar hemde en başından Tüm silahlar ortadayken ve tüm dengeler Gövdemizde gösterildi nefesi zoraki Alıp veririm gider gelirim önüne masada tüm yeşillik Yalan…
Méditerranée, le soleil est un roi sans pareil Méditerranée, tout ce bleu que je vois dans tes yeux Je voudrais pouvoir t’aimer Autant de milliers d’années Que la mer, que la mer Et le ciel, se sont aimês, Sur des carabelles d’or Entre le sud et le nord Je voudrais, je voudrais Te faire aimer…
Alota: This is G.P.N the Ghetto Pyshic Network, I’m your host alota Vagina Lady: Who? Alota: Alota Vagina, Ho! Now our Pyshic’s have traveled tha world demonstrating there amazing pyshic powers. Tonight were in tha world famous Brick City, knocking on motherfucking doors showing what our experts have done for niggas lives. Aight ya’ll right…
Oh Hey baby there’s something wrong You burnt away, you wear the sun, And maybe I slept too Long And missed the game and now you’re gone You wear the sun If I could I would leave You alone And baby, put down your gun And turn away you wear the sun Maybe I should…