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Söz-Müzik: Ömer AKPINAR
Bahçede erik dalı
Dibinde gördüm yari
Sen otur ben söyleyim
Başıma gelen hali
Kıyıdan kıyıdan kıyıdan gel
Ortası çamur kıyıdan gel
Gaz koydum yansın diye
Al giydim alsın diye
Kimseleri almadım
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Söz-Müzik: Ömer AKPINAR
In my other world There is no pain And all my thoughts Are clouds of happiness In my other world My heart beats red There is no gun Pointed at my head And I don`t really want your kiss My thoughts don`t make me cry My heart`s not filled with grey sadness My ears can`t…
25 years severed Take it and like it Feel like there’s nothing more End of story Thirsty, despised Real love destroys Hungry for anger Hungry for… anger The face behind the face Cold forgiveness meant not for me Race against time Collapse Fall in line Nothing is sacred Thirsty, despised Real love destroys Hungry for…
Chorus x2 She’s a Superlady, She is, too much, Wish I could make her mine, What a superlady, a-ha, alright, She’s so fine, Verse 1 Not long ago I was, A sad and lonely boy, Did not know how to get better, Then heaven up above, Sent me a super love, And now I’m happy…
Pork roll egg and cheese on a kaiser bun [repeat throughout background of song] I met her at the Living Earth Show She crossed the room, the lights sank low We’re together, she really digs me — she fucks me Who would think I could be so happy? When I’m cold, I know she’s keepin’…
(K. Green) Breath down my neck but don’t take a bite My blood’s not sweet enough for you Reel me in hook line and sinker Throw me back I’m not big enough for you You should know by now Giving up is the easy way Giving up is the easy way out You should know…
Bülbüldür Öter Güle Derdinden Düşer Dile Ayrı Düştüm O Yardan Gözyaşım Sile Sile Ekini Eken Bilir Daneyi Seçen Bilir Ağlamayım Neyleyim Sevdayı Çeken Bilir Yana Yana Ağlarım Yüreğimi Dağlarım Saramadım O Yari Karaları Bağlarım