The Brutal rape of creation
Spawns blistering radiation
The vermin feed on your
Charred decaying carrion
The Brutal rape of creation
Spawns blistering radiation
The vermin feed on your
Charred decaying carrion
All the way from Bucharest your skin crawled on the way to Hollywood Through a whole in the wall You saw the free world trading in bones There’s a guardian angel at the window Staring at the corner She’s nowhere to go She’s in the free world trading her bones Chorus But if your mother…
Well I gave all my money to the banker this month Now I got no more money to spend She smiled when she saw me comin’ through that door When I left she said, “Come back again.” I watched them lonesome boxcar wheels Turnin’ down the tracks out of town And it’s on that lonesome…
One Endless night So very long ago Close as the moment I held someone To be the last To be the only one For all and everything One Endless night. When you awoke And told me of your dream The waves that rolled across The starry skies And broke upon Your heart and disappeared And…
Bu bir kılıç balığının öyküsü Yazılmasa da olurdu. Ama bizi yeni sulara götürecek akıntı durdu Uskumrunun arkaından gidiyorduk Sürünün içinde ben de vardım Sırtımda bir zıpkın yarası Mutlu olmasına mutluydum Nedense gitmiyordu kulağımdan Birtürlü o “ağ var” sesleri Deniz kızı girmiş düşünceme Ben iflah olmam Dalyanları birbirine katmak orkinosların harcı Dolanınca ağa çok geçmeden küserim…
Alright, that’s it, I’ve had enough, I’m on my way to you It’s nauseating and I
This song has undergone a few changes over the years. Mostly notable for it’s Spanish flair, it was originally written in 1990, just before we (BellBangVilla) went into the studio to record our first album, “In Love With The Greenery”. The first recording was much shorter than the later versions. It consisted of just the…