Lady on the water, make me rich, make me poor

Lay your flowers at my door

Lady on the water, bring me branches, bring me twine

Graft my heart upon the vine

With your wine down my feathers, as the cock crows given time

Oh to wake my lady on the water, share my bread share my drink,

Pay no mind what others think

Lady on the water whip this wind into a flame

With your grapes and bottled rain,

Make your wine of my worship of divinely strange refrain

Oh to make it rain

My lady on the water, place your thumb upon my tongue

Leave a song no one has sung

Lady on the water with your jacket blue and strange

Change these rivers in my veins,

Into wine, learnin’ burnin’ driven deep into this maze

All of my days

My lady on the water, lead me from the wilderness

Through countless deserts, dreams and jests

Lady on the water rest my head upon your chest

Leave me only when I’m blessed

‘Cuz I’ll be in my own country,

Good and dead and gone to rest

Is the way it’s the best

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