I’m falling in love with Debbie Boone

I hope I get to meet her soon

She looks so pure, so damn good

I’d be faithful yes i would

Holy Schmoley so hot and holy

Finger licking good like guacamole

Anyone got her home phone number

Like without Debbie is a total bummer

Sexy and Christian, her faith and trust

Sexy and Christian, born again lust

Sexy and Christian, what a mystique

Sexy and Christian, my little Angelique

Baby, baby you light up my life

Baby, baby would you be my wife

I want to be more than a fan

To be your one and only God fearing man

No matter how far or harsh the weather

We’ll make a church and pray together

Personal friends of Jim and Tammy Baker

A contented hubby and little home maker

Sexy and Christian, guest spots on pay T.V

Sexy and Christian, the happiest Christians that’ll ever be

Sexy and Christian, paid virginal dues

Sexy and Christian, whiter than daddy’s shoes

Jesus whispering into our ear

Replaying the message for us all to hear

If we ever go astray or get lost

Remember our Lord died on the cross

With strength we can win

Against these creeping thoughts of sin

And if we pray for hours and hours

Eternal salvation will be ours

Those religious preachers we’ll have to endure

But our souls will be clean and pure

Being with her would be total bliss

Just to hold hands, neck and kiss

Blinders on day to day

Make believe every thing’s okay

Anyone got her home phone number

Life without Debbie is a total bummer

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