Hello, what you doing here, who are you?
Het jy my tv?
My codename is Mikhail Breznikov
But you can call me Bongi
Nice name, where’d you get it?
The Waterfront?
Don’t you think I’ve been mocked enough
Because my father, Sipho
Did not put a click in my name?
I was taken by the Russians as a slave
But I maintain my Sowetan heritage with this afro
Verstaan jy Afrikaans?
Stop, English only
I do not understand your language
Um? why am I here?
Ja waars ons kinders?
I said English, Can you handle it?
Because you are cute and I like to lick the chocolate starfish
If you are wondering why my voice is not in sync with my lips
It is because
When I was a little boy
My best friend Jacob Zuma taught me how to talk shit
And just like him I have mastered it
And I now talk through my ass as well