at this time in my life
its easier to feel loved
at this moment your taking off
cave in
i’m on the outside looking in
trying to find out who I am
at the expense of others
i don’t want it
i don’t need it
there’s nothing i can do about it
at this time in my life
its easier to feel loved
at this moment your taking off
cave in
i’m on the outside looking in
trying to find out who I am
at the expense of others
i don’t want it
i don’t need it
there’s nothing i can do about it
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And the fires almost dead. Well there’s this ringin’ in my head. Like a runaway train that’s ridin’ through my mind. Tried to nurse me back to health. For a reason I can’t tell. Yeah it’s clearer now I stole you ?could sell? (CHORUS) Yeah don’t try to save me I’m long gone. Yeah don’t…
It’s a mental philosophy… what made you do it. Why do you call out your riots without surfacing your message? Why would you let yourself get run around by your… [Chorus:] I give to you your leader, I give to you your leader. It’s a mental philosophy, trust me we’ll adapt in time. But we…
Yo, this for all my live motherfuckers! (Motherfuckers) YO! .. What the deal muh-fucka? Chill muh-fucka LP bangs all in your hood muh-fucka My niggaz smack niggaz like Suge muh-fucka Later on, reminisce it like wood muh-fucka You muh-fuckers try to block a thorough muh-fucka Hard shell chicken Taco Bell muh-fucka Fuck you models, you…