Pussy it’s all about pussy
You gotta sing about pussy, to get money
You gotta get money, so you can get pussy
And you gotta get pussy, so you can sing about it
And a record company don’t let you sing about pussy, they ain’t your record company
Pussy it’s all about pussy
You gotta sing about pussy, to get money
You gotta get money, so you can get pussy
And you gotta get pussy, so you can sing about it
And a record company don’t let you sing about pussy, they ain’t your record company
Summer lovin’ had me a blast Summer lovin’, happened so fast I met a girl crazy for me I met a boy, cute as can be Summer days driftin’ away, To uh-oh those summer nights Tell me more, tell me more, Did you get very far? Tell me more, tell me more, Like, does he…
so there you are, your sittin’ there just kinda chillin’ oh richie boy, you look a little bit like Dillan the 90210 bitch with the funny hair so I’m a change a few things around here and there start with your eyes, I pluck ’em out your head and pull your balls out your sack…
I’ve been living so fast Turned away from you, away from my fast I’ve been feeding on my fears Keep me away from here I’ve been running so fast Away from love, away from our past When I fall into you You take what is old and make it new You should’ve killed me for…
Derildi ayn-ı cem kuruldu erkan Erenler oturmuş postu postuna Niyaz edip Hakk’a açıldı meydan Meydancılar çerağ aldı destine Baş eğdiler erenlerin yoluna Hü dediler ehlullah erkanına Çağırdılar Tanrı’nın arslanına Kevser getirdiler meydan üstüne Erenlerin gazileri geldiler Kabul edip cur’asından aldılar İçip Ab-ı Kevser sermest oldular Mail oldum gözlerinin mestine Zikr ettiler erenlerin nefesin Çüş ettiler…
Gece etrafa coktu geri sayim basladi yeraltindaki kardeslerim yanimda. Bu sozlerim tum bizi hice sayanlara hadi bakalim simdi cikin karsima. Sozlere bak altin kursun gibi beyninize girdi yedi bitirdi. Iste Hip Hopun gucu tek kelime ile bir cumlede yikilir gider tum emekleriniz. Hip Hopcular el ele omuz omuza, onemli degil san sohret ona. Onemli olan…
Vamanos, vamanos al carnaval Es hora de bailar mi amor Come on, let