After the morning there comes an evening

And after the evening another day

And after a false love there comes a true love

I’d have you listen now to what I say

I swear my love is the finest young man

As fair as any the sun shines on

But how to save him, I do not know it

For he has got a sentence to be hung

As he was marching the streets of Derry

I own he marched up right manfully

Being much more like a commanding officer

Than a man to die upon the gallows tree

“What keeps my love so long in coming

Oh what detains her so long from me

Or does she think it a shame or scandal

To see me die upon the gallows tree”

He looked around and he saw her coming

And she was dressed all in woollen fine

The weary steed that my love was riding

It flew more swifftly than the wind

Come down, come down from that cruel gallows

I’ve got your pardon from the king

And I’ll let them see that they dare not hang you

And I’ll crown my love with a bunch of green

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