You say that you don’t know me and you couldn’t if you tried and your ignorance amazes me with every single lie. You say one thing and mean it then but then you can’t decide. I would like to know. What did I do to earn your disrespect? An overrated importance of superior intellect. The words I say are not as big but does that mean a thing. I guess that I’ll just stop. Trying to impress. (chorus) I look at you and wonder what you’re thinking. And what you say when I turn my back to you. Your arrogance powers your ego. You say that I don’t know you but I’ve tried and tried and tried and I don’t know what you’re thinking when you look into my eyes. Is it positive or is it negative the trend. And it’s funny the way you thought of me when I thought that we were friends. I’m glad it all worked out. The way I knew it would. I’m glad that I can stop. Trying to impress. (repeat chorus)
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