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Dinle,senin suçun değil Emir dağların ötesinden gelir Bunlar senin suçun değil Göklerden yağan yağmur yalan değil Bir şey var.. Görünmeyen bir yol Upuzun ve dar kapılar Bir yer var Soğuk sessiz rüzgarlardan daha.. Laa la la..la la..la la… La la laaa… Vazgeçme! Laa la la..la la..la la… La la laaa… Vazgeçme!
As the days go by without number One by one As the clouds divide I sit and wonder When our time will come From the Northern Lights To the Southern Cross Between the earth and The Milky Way I must chart my course As I go back and forth And I wonder if it ever…
what sup!! tereyağlı ballı ya***m tabiyat icaabı vah vahap vah mathaam frapan avangart papağan arayan adama gasp paraflar angart çekin zülfikaarı tamam ulan tamam kesip irtibaatı clan mlan yerim itibarı bana sıcak sıcak verin intikaamı en kralı mahdum panda bandıralı mandıralı mandalarda var kınalı tanrıları rant hayatta bırakır niggı son kalan underground ın andavalı oo…
Written by Marty Stuart Last night I dreamed I went to Hillbilly Heaven, oh what a beautiful sight St. Peter come up to me and he said “now Marty who do you want to see” So I began to think I said “why don’t you call up old Hank Williams and see if he’s free”…
Dreams are for believing and someday they will come true, That we would be together, No-one else but me and you, Times that we’ve spent talking girl, The ways I’d rather be, Looking into your eyes and pretending girl, You’re in love with me. (chorus) We’ll be together girl forever, The way that it should…
There is a wicked barrier that detaches and discolors our unattainable dreams from our inescapable realities Nothing chafes the ego more than the monstrous realism of eight hours of subservience applied for and anticipated so that the possibility of a less materialistic existence could be avoided Like slowly sucking cold tar through a narrow straw…